According to the IMD World Competitiveness Ranking 2022, Thailand fell from 28 Last Year (2021) to 33 out of a total of 63 Economies in 2022.
The Productivity and Efficiency Sub-Factor which covers for an information of Thai SMEs entrepreneurs surveying, it was found that Thailand ranked at 47th (Overall) and 50th (Small and medium-size enterprises) and 58th (Agricultural productivity). At the present, there are approximately 3 million SMEs in Thailand, which altogether constituted 99% of all Entrepreneurs and Business Organization. For this reason, Thai SMEs should be Skills and Potential upgraded as a Main Mechanism to increase Thailand Competitiveness Ranking.
The Joint Standing Committee on Commerce, Industry and Banking (JSCCIB) including Board of Trade of Thailand, The Federation of Thai Industries and The Thai Bankers' Association collaborate with Thailand Management Association (TMA) are Proceeding “Enhancing SMEs Capability for Competitiveness (Pilot Project)” in order to enhance SMEs Targeted Group in AGRO-Food Industry which is Important Thailand Economic Sector including Key Objectives as below: